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Jonathan Furness  |  jonathan@learningspaces.net  |  07971 503959

Jonathan has been a teacher for several years, in both primary and secondary education and has worked with some exceptional children. Jonathan currently heads up Stepping Stones, a school for children with Hemiplegia. It is through Jonathan's earlier work at Ultralab, that he developed a strong awareness of school design issues and has applied his understanding at Stepping Stones School.

His primary interest is to develop the notion of "Pupil Voice" at the school where the pupils are involved in decision making and school development at every level.


This server contains a collection of useful resources in learning space design.


Jonathan's Blog

Thoughts on learning, technology and anything else that catches Jonathan's eye.


Distributed Schools

The Distributed School was a project idea born out of Ultralab to look at building a network of small schools in the UK using technology to join communities of learners together. This is a briefing document outlining our proposals back in 2004