Submitted by visitor on Thu, 2006-07-13 19:05.

Hello, everyone. Just seen your fantastic photo's! :-) Looks like you were all having the time of your life! :-) You all showed a lot of skill and confidence while you are in walk, trot, jumping and of course doing a round the world too! I have done one of those and I know how difficult it can be! :-) Well Done to you all. I am also really impressed too! :-) I know you will all look forward to gaining a certificate in dressage. :-) I did all those years ago when I was working towards one and I even came 2nd too, which was a bit of a shock to the system! But a happy and nice one though!
Now Jonathan I thought you didn't like horses??? Im very impressed with your attempted do a round the world!:-) You did look very nervous though but I think you enjoyed it really!!??? Maybe you ought to have a go at dressage?;-) What do you think?? I look forward to seeing more horsey photo's in the future!! :-) Well Done Again!! Keep it up!! YOU CAN ALL DO IT, I KNOW YOU CAN!! :-)


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