Stepping Stones barbeque and farewell to Julie

This afternoon, we bid a fond farewell to Julie Mounfield as we celebrate her contribution at the school and the happiness she has brought to pupils, staff and parents. Julie will be sorely missed, but only with her presence, since her spirit remains to support us all as the school continues to grow and succeed.

As a "thank you" for her time at the school, Amy presented Julie with two gift of a necklace and a book containing photographs depicting Julie's time at Stepping Stones School with comments from the staff and pupils.

We also celebrated the (near) end of yet another successful year for Stepping Stones school, due in part to Julie, but also to the rich community of people that work together to meet the needs of the pupils who attend. These include, the staff, trustees, parents, our team of advisors and supporters, and not forgetting the pupils. Thank you all.

More photographs...

Millie and Jessica on the scooters Dave prepares to light the barbeque
Amy and Jess made a farewell banner Jessica and her family relax in the garden
Dom and Dan relaxing on the swings Julie begins to open her present
Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Fri, 2006-07-21 23:59.


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