A Day in the Life of a Pencil Case



This is a movie of the day in the life of a pencil case. We were asked to do this in art. Jonathan my I.C.T teacher has helped me to put this on the website. This film has to be exactly 1 minute long. To do this I had to cut things out of the movie and put things back in to the movie. Amy stars in the film.

Submitted by Jessica on Thu, 2006-05-25 14:12.
Submitted by visitor on Sat, 2006-05-27 19:59.

I have just watched your video of A day in the life of a pencil case and thought you did it very well!!
You are a clever lot!!

Amy's Aunty Loraine

Submitted by visitor on Tue, 2006-05-30 16:38.

Jess you work so
well and always do your best in Art.